North Vancouver:
West Vancouver:
Click on the links below to see your area's garbage pick up schedule. Just to note that starting in January 2014 the City of North Vancouver garbage pick up for single family homes will be collected every other week.
•City of North Vancouver Garbage Collection Schedule 2013
West Vancouver Garbage Collection Schedule 2013WATERING GUIDELINES:
Sprinkling regulations help reduce the depletion of fresh water resources during the summer months. Lawn sprinkling accounts for 40% of household water usage in the summer. By restricting lawn sprinkling to the minimum amount necessary, we can greatly reduce the depletion of our drinking supply. But the city will grant a three week permit allowing you to water your new lawn(s) outside of the summer sprinkling regulations.
These restrictions are in place from June 1 to September 30 each year, and lawn sprinkling is only allowed between the hours of 4:00am to 9:00am.
City and District of North Vancouver and West Vancouver Schedule:
Residential addresses may sprinkle lawns:
Even-numbered addresses: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 4am – 9am
Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, 4am – 9am
Non-residential addresses may sprinkle lawns:
Even-numbered addresses: Monday and Wednesday, 1am – 6am
Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday and Thursday, 1am – 6am
All non-residential addresses: Friday, 4am – 9 am