Youth Sports Sponsorship: Updates!

It's officially summer and I decided to check in with my selected athletes for my Youth Sports Sponsorship. Every year I award three talented youth from North Vancouver a financial scholarship to help achieve their sports goals. This year I selected four! I checked in mid-year to find out where my athletes are in their sports careers and to hear from them. Here are the updates... 

Ges Bushe
Recently, Ges placed first in the para 3000m in the North Shore finals this month.  Last Friday, he raced in the 100m and 400m para events and placed silver in both. His 400m was his personal best this season. Ges is looking forward to doing the 13km "seek the peak" race as a part of a relay team. Best wishes to you!   

Cody Scott
Cody has been training with a coach and has improved greatly. Due to a small injury, Cody had a bit of a rough start with the season but is now back at it. His most recent races in Quebec were for the Canada Cup XCO series with the BC XCO team. He finished 4th and 5th at the two races. His next race will be in Whistler at the Provincial Champs. Go out and cheer him on!  

Polly Krivchun
Sadly, due to an injury, Polly was not able to represent Canada at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. She persevered and continued to train as best as she could. Most recently, she competed at the Canadian National Championships where she got a Bronze medal in Ribbon, 4th place in Clubs, 5th place in Ball and 5th place all around which made her a Junior Canadian National Team member (again). 

Paige Sharpe
Paige has started seeing a personal trainer at a local gym to help achieve her goals. Sad to say she didn't make Team BC, but her field hockey is ramping up as she is a junior coach, playing on two teams and training twice a week.